There are many ways to participate; two great ways include create content and volunteer!
This event is organized and put on by volunteers. Volunteering is one of the most direct ways to interact with our community.
Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to; Greeters, Gate, River Guardians, Rangers, Medic, Sanctuary, and Effigy/F.A.S.T. Each department has its own lead or co-leads. Because the event is small, departments may be altered or combined as needed closer to the date.
Look under the Links and Forms tab for the list of volunteering opportunities!
Art grants are available to eligible participants to help bring their art, this can include gas money.
Placement refers to the physical place for art or camps at the event. We want to make sure that your content is placed for best involvement in the community.
Look under the Links and Forms tab to apply for art grants and placement.